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Using multiple axes

Data Hexagon

  • Click the chart shape on the left of the hexagon icon on the right of the hexagon icon of API, IoT, and CSV files.

Chart Selection

  • • Select the type of chart you want to create and click Next Step. Here we choose Bar Char.

Multi-axis setting

  • Select whether to expose the legend of the chart.
  • You can adjust the starting point and the number of characters shown in a row.
  • Select a chart color combination from the chart color scheme.
  • If you check the multi-axis at the top right of column data, the column data method at the bottom changes to the multi-column data method setting method.
  • If you select data from column data and enter a unit, the unit appears in multi-column data.
  • If you select the data you want to set as chart 0 at the top right of the column data, the chart standard is set.
  • Select row data.
  • If necessary, data can be arranged in ascending or descending order, or a threshold can be set. Set the data to set the threshold, name, value, and color of the threshold.

Multi-axis preview

  • After checking the chart, enter the name and click the Save button.

Multi-axis Hexagon

  • You can see that a chart icon is created to the right of the hexagon icon.